Hahahahahahaha I'm on vacation. I'm delirious with the feeling of not having to go to work! I haven't taken a "real" vacation where I use vacation days since February, because of my schedule I can fit in up to 9 days off but just being about to say I'm on vacation makes me feel less stressed. So far the only thing I've done is sleep since I worked last night and didn't come home until this morning.
On the agenda for my vacation is attend a couple of concerts, start my Saturday quilting class, stitch, look into knitting classes, and umm try to relax. I think I'm going to take my sewing machine to get fixed also, maybe look into buying a new one - I've had this one for years and can always give it to my mum since I think she's the one responsible for the machine not working in the first place.
Picture time!

This is how far I've gotten on Sampler Farm

Couldn't wait to do that over 1 so instead of leaving it for the end I decided to stitch it as I go along - here is a close-up

Finally a picture of the fabric for my quilt - took me forever to pick it out and I went to the store thinking I'd make a pink or purple quilt, I still need another color I was thinking maybe a yellow? I guess we'll see...any suggestions?
I'm going to see Borat tonight - looks hilarious and hopefully won't be a let down. Kelly already went to get the tickets - one of the perks of having a movie theater across the street :-)
I'm off to get ready!