Whenever I think that I have to buy gifts for people it makes me grouchy. Not because I don't want to buy them gifts but because I feel forced to and the stores are crowded around this time. I swear one year I'm going to do all of my shopping in August. I do love to buy gifts for people who don't expect it though, for them I don't mind waiting in line.
I made a list of what had to be done on my 2 days off and I swear lists make me counterproductive. Yesterday I spent the entire day sleeping. I've been so tired lately that I'm thinking of going to the doctor to get some labs drawn, maybe I'm anemic. Well anyway before going to sleep I did manage to get some if not most things done. Today I'm going to finish the rest. Of course I found more things to add to my list.
I did stitch last night when I was awake for a few hours. And I realized that while at my stitch meet Saturday I managed to stitch a lot more than I thought. I'm almost halfway done with Delivering Fleurs. And I'm like 5 stitches away from finishing that sheep - I hate stitching with white anything so I always try to do that first because if not chances are I won't finish it.

Well I'm going to take a shower and start my day. If anything spectacular happens today I'll come back to blog about it. Today I want to get my Christmas present to me from me and the backing fabric for my quilt and I'm even considering going out to dinner with Kelly, it all depends on time and how tired he is since he worked last night and isn't going to sleep right away. TTFN!
I love delivering fleurs!!!! If I hadn't just bought 6 million things I would buy this pattern. I'll add it to my list lol. That fat sheep is SO cute! Can't wait to see it completed...
If I ever start my Fleurs, I'm going to follow your 'do the white sheep' first policy. I have the same issue with stitching white and more white and more white ... *lol*
Your quilt turned out beautifully! Congratulations on finishing it!
I was sorry to read about your wallet & glasses & all. Things have got to be better now! :o)
hahaha.... dont get too grouchy! but i totally get what you mean, luckily, i dont really have a lot of presents to buy so i havent had to battle too many crowds.
and i love how delivering fleurs is coming along! i agree with emily, that sheep is just tooooooo adorable. even though it's annoying you, hee hee.
anyways, good luck with the christmas shopping, i hope you survive! *grin*
eileen :)
Love the stitching. I love Christmas but hate those crowds!!!!! Good luck! I hope you get to feeling better soon. If you decide to have some blood workd done, let us know how it all comes out!!
I don't like shopping at this time of year either. I usually do my shopping all year long so that when it gets to be December I'm finished, or close to it. I've only had to be in the stores a couple times and the long lines drove me crazy!
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