The only bad thing is that he got it for me on Thursday and I went back to work on Friday so really I've only played twice with my cousins :( After the 1st I'm off for 6 days and the only plans I have for those days are to organize the "craft/computer" room which has turned into a storage room (you can see the mess in the picture above) and play Rock Band! I will of course continue to stitch on the train but my progress will be slow. Until next time! PS - Is my BF the best or what?!?!?!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
And the holiday continues!
The only bad thing is that he got it for me on Thursday and I went back to work on Friday so really I've only played twice with my cousins :( After the 1st I'm off for 6 days and the only plans I have for those days are to organize the "craft/computer" room which has turned into a storage room (you can see the mess in the picture above) and play Rock Band! I will of course continue to stitch on the train but my progress will be slow. Until next time! PS - Is my BF the best or what?!?!?!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Happy Christmas to meeeee!!
I've noticed that I'm in love with Shepherd's Bush and have slowly (or not so slowly) been collecting the kits and charts I want. I still have 2 or 3 more I want (not including the ones I have on order at my other not so LNS) and I think I'll have all the ones that I want!
Today is towel laundry day, Ana was right behind me in my room while my mother was piling the towels to be washed in the hallway - she almost always follows me around. Well I was looking at my stash and notice that she's very quiet and when I looked she wasn't in my room anymore. I go out to look for her and this is where I found her... She's actually lucky my mother didn't catch her haha. For the longest I've had this frame for dogs that was up with the picture that it came with. Well I thought it was time that I change it and put a picture of Ana. I found this really nice picture of her on my computer. She has a lot of gray hair now on her face and it really shows in pictures but this is one from when she was without all the gray.
Isn't she pretty? I swear I love more and more each day!
I had a stitchy finish today but I can't share it because it's for the Fair and Square Exchange. I hope my partner likes it. It was a really quick stitch and it has the cutest button. Well I'm sleepy - I've been up since 6am and have been out and about so I'm drained. I'm actually about to go back out with my cousin and I so wish I could stay home and take a nap but I told him I'd go out with him *sigh* hopefully we'll come home quickly and he won't drive me to the end of the world and back. TTFN
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
My Little Sampler

I'm going to continue stitching on this probably until Christmas and then I'll start on my Fair and Square Exchange piece. TTFN
Sunday, December 16, 2007
It's Done!!!!

Major Happy Dancing going on right now :-) I left off the heart button that goes on the sheep because I just didn't like the way it looked on. Now I don't know what to do..should I go back to Autumn Snapperland or start on my Fair and Square Exchange piece. I guess I'll decide in a bit...TTFN!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Last Update

Hopefully the next time I show this it'll be done! I have the small sheep to stitch, Isabel's name, and all the backstitching and then I can add the charms and it's done! I can't wait to show it to her :-)
I'm in a rush so I won't write much but I do have tons of pictures to show. I work tonight and NEED to take a nap before it's time to leave so I'll just put brief descriptions underneath or on top.

These are some old finishes. Next time you see them here on this blog they'll be finished into pillows. I sent them to the finishers Tuesday and once I get them back I'll send 3 more :-)
I did some fun stash shopping the last few days. I have one more thing to buy (that I know of) and then I think I'll ease off the stash shopping for a while, unless Shepherd's Bush puts some other things out that I love!

Some finishing I got back from the finisher on Tuesday...check out that cute little ghost button :-)

And finally my lastest framed piece! I love it!!!! Can't wait to find a place for it to hang.

Saturday, December 08, 2007
Overdue Update

I have a stitching date on the 11th which I'm looking forward to a little more than usual. Work has been CRAZY!!! I mean it's been quiet at night, I'm usually done with my work work at around 10pm and get a chance to stitch an hour before my break and then for maybe an hour of my break before the morning hecticness begins but it just feels like all I do is come home and go to work. I hate when it feels like that. This week I worked Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and today and tomorrow. I'm so drained! After being off for the majority of November I just can't get back into the swing of things. *sigh* I'm going to take a nap I only slept for about 5 hours last night and that's not going to cut it if I'm going to work two more nights. TTFN!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Stocking Update :-)
Here's a picture of my stocking so far.

You can see my last progress picture here.
Before I forget! Today in the mail I received the 2nd part of my Xmas exchange from Kathie of CSF :-) Here's what she sent.

Monday, November 26, 2007
An Exchange, A Finish, A RAK, and Some WIPs

I'm so bad to not have posted this sooner but life gets in the way sometimes. This is from Becky. She stitched me this for the Fair and Square Exchange. It's a "spooky" web and I love how she stitched her initial sqaure.

Next up are two WIPs pictures. The top one is Shepherd's Bush Jillian's Stocking. For the past few weeks I've been looking for a stocking to buy for my God Daughter Isabel (she's my cousin's daughter) and I haven't been able to find one nice enough for her. On Friday I was at my not so LNS and was browsing through the charts an *poof* the idea dawned on me that I could make her one. Of course it's not going to be done by Christmas for her but for next year it will definitely be ready for her. I'm hoping to get all the stitching done by Christmas so I can atleast show it to her, well really her parents because she'll be 9 months by then and could probably care less about it LOL. I wish I could post a picture of her because she's so freaking cute but I just don't feel comfortable doing so. On Thanksgiving she had turkey for the first time and she kept going mmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmmm hehe. Too cute!

I started Bent Creek's Autumn Snapperland before my stocking. I love the fabric I'm stitching it on and unfortunately I don't know the name of it :-( I bought it at CATS from a small booth that had it stitched up on this. It was a tiny booth and barely had enough space in it for the workers. If anyone knows which booth I'm talking about I'd love to know so that I can perhaps find the name of the fabric.

Oh one more thing! Thanks for the comments on my little bee, I forgot to write about his little wings, they have blending filament in them so they sparkle. He's at the finisher's as well and I'm impatiently waiting for his return so I can use my scissors. Off to stitch on my stocking! TTFN
***Edited to answer Barbara's comment*** It did come with a Belgiam postmark!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Pretty Little Bee!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Victoria's Quaker

And now you don't!

I had to frog this morning, I didn't mind it as much. Stitching on Victoria's Quaker is really fun so restitching that part should be easy peasy! After frogging I did put it away and pulled out all of my craft stuff and made some ornaments for an exchange I'm in. Instead of waiting for the recipient to receive them to post pictures I'm going to post them now because I can't wait. I think they came out nice, better than I thought they would anyway.

CANDY CANES!!! I love love love this brand and flavor so I was so happy to see that Target had them out already. I bought 3 boxes which should last me about a week LOL. TTFN I didn't take my nap today so I'm going to hit the sack early!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Full of Hope Finish :)

Not sure what I'm going to stitch next, I think I'm going to hit a slump really soon :( If I don't hit a slump then I think I'll stitch a little bee for my Dovo bee scissors. They aren't my favorite (the scissors) and I've never used them but I think if I make them a cute little scissor fob I'd like them :) TTFN
Saturday, November 10, 2007

M Designs - Sampler Girls
Stitched on recommended fabric with recommended threads
I fudged the border and added a little heart between my initials and year. I'm happy at how my initials came out, I was worried about them because I didn't chart them out before stitching them, so you know my head is big right now because I think they came out really nice LOL. The plan is to have it framed in a box, which I plan to store my scissors in with my needle magnets.

Homespun Elegance - Autumn Time
Stitched on Cream 32ct Linen with recommended floss.
This one had A LOT of french knots and the directions said to use 3 strands which I found to be a PIA and made them come out "ugly." For the tree I just used two and I think those are much prettier...I love french knots!

This is Summer Snapperland framed! The first frame that I picked out got discontinued and I'm really no good at picking out frames so Kelly picked this one out. I wish he wouldn't have gotten a light frame since now I have a hard time finding a place to hang it (our walls are almond) but I do like how it came out, looks very summery! If I had a summer house I'd definitely hang it there. I may hang it in my room since the walls are purple and you can really appreciate the framing against them. Now all that's left is to stitch Autumn and I'll be done with the series.
Well I'm about 43 minutes overdue for a nap (I love being on vacation!) so first I'm going to put my new project on my Q-Snaps and then I'll try to nap for a while. My cousin is hosting a fight party and I really don't want to go but I may make an appearance just so they don't say I never go. Later Gators!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Plenty of Mistakes

I think this piece would have been done by now if I didn't spend more time frogging than stitching *grrr* You know it had to be bad if I had to frog it because I don't frog if I can avoid it. Nonetheless, I'm enjoying it; the little girls are just too adorable for it to bother me that much. There's still a mistake in the border but I discovered it too late so it will just have to stay there and I'll work around it. Maybe I can move on to a new project this weekend? Saturday I'm going to my not so LNS in NJ to stitch, if I can wake up in time. I'm taking the bus *shudder* so it should provide me with lots of stitching time!
Thanks so much for the well wishes. I've finally decided to go to the doctor, I need my flu shot and while there I'll tell him to give me a precription for antibiotics. I've been leaving my house since 10am though so I don't know what time I'll get there...maybe after this I'll leave. I just really hate waiting. If I was smart I would have went early so I could be the first one there. Now it's too late :-( BUT if I wait a little longer then all the SAHM's will have to go and pick up their kids sooooo the waiting room will be empty! *insert evil laugh*
I leave you guys with a picture of my darling baby Ana because nothing is cuter than a dog sleeping curled up :-) Sometimes I just want to scoop her up and snuggle her when she's sleeping like this. She also has to go back to the doctor *ugh* I guess today is a doctor day, the only bad part about taking her to the doctor is that I can't take my stitching with me because I have to try to keep her calm so she doesn't freak out too bad while waiting. TTFN!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I'm on Vacation!!!
In other health related news, my job has decided to change our insurance and I'm not happy about it. I like the insurance we have now (Oxford) and they want to change it to Empire. You should have seen/read how they put it in the the newsletter. As a matter of fact here it is:
"The Hospital intends to change our health care provider from Oxford to Empire Blue Cross effective January 1, 2008. The proposed plan increases our deductible, our out-of-pocket maximum, and the co-pay on office visits. The prescription coverage has mandatory generic substitution, which means that an employee who wants to use a name-brand drug when a generic is available has to pay the difference in cost. On the other hand, no referrals will be required, all LHH facility charges are in-network, and the network includes almost 124,000 providers as compared to Oxford Freedom plan’s 73,000. "
Oooo no referrals, how fantastic!!! (I'm being sarcastic!) I love how they put it though, like not needing a referral outweighs everything else.
I'm stitching pink this month. I wasn't able to last month so I nominated this month for my pink stitching. I only have 3 projects planned and if I manage to get 2 of them done I'll be happy. Usually I stitch a Bent Creek Snapperland when I'm on vacation, I only have Autumn left and I feel guilty for not stitching it but I really want to stitch pink! Here's a little preview on what I'm stitching for my first project. I saw it on another blog and fell in love with it. As soon as I'm done with blogging I'm going to stitch on it :)
I love stitching little people like this. She's just adorable, no? I went to my not so LNS in Long Island and bought a new needle magnet (the heart above) I also bought some other things (project bags and some charts.) I've decided to try and buy most things at my not so LNS' and not online because it's just such a joy to have a place to go to and if I/we don't support them, then they might go out of business. Off to stitch!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
A Share-able finish!

When I finally woke up yesterday I woke up a tad bit sad. Halloween in over! I have to wait another year for it to come again. Because of what went on the past month or so I wasn't able to do what I wanted to do for Halloween (ie decorate the house inside and out) so I feel that next year (if the bullsh*t doesn't come back again) I'll be able to go all out and I mean all out! The dogs are getting costume's and they're wearing them all day, same goes for me. Yesterday seeing everyone in a costume made me so happy and sad at the same time. I really think this holiday is soooo much better than Christmas. I think if you could wear a costume for Christmas I'd like it LOL. When I was walking home yesterday I saw a baby in a batman costume in his stroller, his mom was a cowboy lady, then I saw a HUGE group of adults all dressed up going to work. Kelly saw a guy walking his dog and the dog had on a superman costume and my FAVORITE costumes were the ones I saw that night - two little girls dressed as superheroes, one was batgirl and the other supergirl. They both looked adorable! I can't wait until I have kids of my own because they're definitely going to be superheroes :-)
Work has been a nightmare. I slept yesterday during the day and last night but I'm still tired because it has just been so busy at work. The fact that I've been doing two nights on and two nights off doesn't help either. I really need that third day off once in a while so I can rest. I'm back to work tomorrow night (I don't want to go) and I'm working 3 nights in a row *ugh.* It's been so busy that I've been leaving a hour late *and* I've been working through my 2 hour break. Oh and my hands have started hurting again so I do all of this in pain. I CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL MY VACATION NEXT WEEK! I will leave there without looking back, it's too bad I have to go back. My dream is to win the lottery while on vacation so I don't have to go back and do an easy nursing job (Ha! Is there such a thing?)
The new Guitar Hero came out, is anyone playing? My cousin is coming over so we can play together. Apparently in co-op mode you can unlock Bloc Party's Helicopter. I'm so excited!!! I've been practicing all morning so I can be good (because he's awesome in GH) I've also been playing The Sims Castaway for PSP (my eyes are so tired) My friend told me to get it so I did. We sort of help eachother in the game, he's ahead of me but some of the things that I found when I first started playing he hasn't found. I love my cousins and friend!
Stitching wise - I've been stitching. I finished my piece for the Fair and Square Exchange. I swear the angels sang when I put in that last stitch hehe. I liked what I stitched but the fear of my partner not liking it was just putting a damper on stitching it. I hope she likes it, it was so hard trying to find something to stitch for her. I'll post a picture of it when she receives it, I mailed it off to her today so maybe by next week I'll have something to post :)
Now it's time for the pictures! *Yea* My favorite part of blogging :)
I finished Lizzie Kate's Boo Squared. Me and Lizzie (because we're on a first name basis)have a love/hate relationship. I love her because she got me into stitching hardcore but then I hate her because after a while EVERYTHING looks the same...right now I'm in between. I'm glad Boo Squared is done but I don't see the excitement to it, maybe it's because my eyelet stitches SUCK! (Please don't stare too hard!) I think I'll send it off to get finished because right now I don't have the time to be creative.

I thought I'd want to post a picture of myself in my costume down here but now that I see it on top I think I'll leave it there. That's me in my Halloween costume! I was the evil witch from Sleeping Beauty and my cousin was Sleeping Beauty. It's a shame I don't have picture of us together so here's one by herself.

And lastly this is last year's picture of my and my cousin's my favorite costume to date! TTFN

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Stash for sale!
Thanks for all the smile awards! I was surprised and HAPPY that I make people smile :) It came at a perfect time too because I was feeling in the dumps (still am but I'm getting over it) More about that later! I'm off to bed. Here's the link to my wishlist blog PrettyPnkWishes
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Pictures to share!
Well while there I had 2 lovely surprises waiting for me - FRAMING! I have no place to hang them but I bought some easel thingees and plan on displaying at Kelly's apartment. His apartment is so bare, I wish I had something big enough to hang. He wanted to hang one of my Shepherd's Bush on the biggest wall of his house which just made the wall look bigger LOL. Right now the plan is to display them by the window in the living room. It has a big enough inside ledge to put things on.

Shepherd's Bush Trick or Treat.
I didn't get it framed with the mats and stuff because I didn't like them. It looked too washed out. I love how it looks in this frame better!

I opted for the frame and mats on this one and the frame is just so funky! The mats are too, I love it :)
I'm suppose to be stitching on my Fair and Square Exchange but yesterday I had no wanting to stitch on it and picked up Victoria's Quaker again. I love stitching on this piece, I really do. It's big but stitches up somewhat quickly. Here's what I got done in about an hour or so of stitching. May not look like much but to me it is. You can see what it looked like before here.

Now this is something I DID NOT STITCH. I got it from CATS. I forget which booth but they were selling old finished models. The ladies in the booth had no idea of the designer so I bought it hoping someone would know something about it. If no one knows then I may just stitch from it. I felt really bad buying it. I only paid $18 for it and I know as a stitcher it's worth more.

I took Ana to the doctor, it's worse that I thought it was. She has allergies but they're pretty bad :( She has to be on medication (one being an antibiotic) for atleast 4 weeks. She's still itchy but not as she was before and her face is still red sometimes but she's getting better. I hate having to shove pills down her throat. I don't have to do it all the time, the doctor gave me Pill Pockets to make a treat out of her pills and sometimes (most of the time) she takes it but sometimes she has no interest in it. Here she is on her new bed (I had to throw out the old one because we don't know what is giving her this allergy.)

I work tonight and I'm not looking forward to it. I called out absent on Sunday because of my cousin's daughter's baptism (I am her Godmother) so I don't even feel like seeing my nurse manager in the morning. I going to stitch for a while before having to get ready to leave. But before I sign out I wanted to share 2 things (non-stitching related) I'm going back to school for my BSN (Bachelor's in Nursing) in January. My hospital has this new program where they offer classes in the hospital. Adelphi University is the school that's offering it, I went to Adelphi and wanted to go back for my BSN so I signed up. I start in January! I also started studying for certification. When I pass the test (I still have some more requirements to fill before I apply mainly continuing education credit/hours) I get a new letter to add after my name (RN-BC or RN-C) and more money :-) Ok now I go off to stitch and watch season one of Heroes. Save the cheerleader, save the world!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I still have one more exchange to stitch for and then I'm done with exchanges and can stitch for me again :) The only problem with this exchange is that I don't know what to stitch *ugh* don't you just hate when that happens? I did pull out a few charts and am sort of leaning towards one of them but I always have this big fear that maybe my partner won't like it and then my stitching will be thrown to the side...forgotten. Maybe I'm paranoid but that's just how I feel.
Well, I'm off. I don't want to bore anyone with my ramblings of nothing-ness. Thanks for the comments on my last finish! They are always appreciated, comments make a blogger feel so much's like people actually read about (or stop by to see) my finishes or me :) I hate not posting a picture soooooo I'll leave you with one of my favorite gal. She's having a really bad time with her allergies this season, it's so bad that I'm taking her to the doctor tomorrow. She keeps scratching her face causing her fur to thin around her muzzle and her eyes are all red and her belly :( I know she's just miserable, after an allergy shot she'll feel better *I hope.* Anyway here she is...

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Light Your Way Finish!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A Real Finish :)

I found this picture the other night while reading In Touch and had to share it. I think it's the cutest!

Now I will go stitch! Thanks for stopping by and thanks to those that leave me comments, especially the new comers!