Yesterday I pulled out my Red Thread Snappers to start stitching on the second square. It looks small enough that I could have finished it this weekend but for some reason I kept finding a million in one things to do instead of stitching on it. One of those things were making scissor fobs. Two of my scissors that I'd like to start using didn't have any fobs on them. Of course before I knew how to make a fob it didn't matter but now that I do make them I just can't use one without one because I manage to lose it all the time. Here's what I made... I found this cute frog charm at the small bead shop by my house. I know frogs are a no no but I figured if and when a frog decides to visit me while I'm stitching, it'll notice this cutie and leave me alone LOL. BTW, the fobs are much sparkly in person. I made a stitched fob for these scissors but it was so cute once finished that I decided to hang it as a small ornament. Once I find the scissor sheaths that I have laying around here I can debut these lovelies and start using them. I couldn't find a bee charm anywhere so I had to use a drop bead. I like it, makes it look like the end of a tail. These ladybugs have no scissor to attach themselves on, so we all know what that means right? New scissor time!!! LOL I have a pair of black scissors (the frog scissors) but would like another pair. My not so LNS owner went to Nashville and will hopefully bring back lovely scissors so I might find one soon, if not I've been eyeing the black Dovo's or maybe a nice shiny silver pair! And here are some of my scissors in my scissor jar. I can't begin to write how much I love looking at this. I moved it by the TV (across my room) for the picture but it's usually right near my bed on the nightstand so I can look up an see my scissors whenever I'm in bed :-) I couldn't take a picture of it there because it's a mess. I have floss, fabric, patterns, and whatever else stitchy stuff you can think of piled up on it. Is there anyone else that has a hard time keeping their stash organized? Because I swear I cleaned that area up yesterday and it's back to the same mess!
You should know that I am a TERRIBLE enabler. Having said that, here are a few bees for your fobs (and I've purchased from these places many times, so I can recommend their prices, service and quality)
Hola he visto has preguntado sobre los claw mas grandes.. una sugerencia puede en vez de claw usar esto
lo puede conseguir en una tienda de pesca se llama "interlock snap" y ademas aƱadir un tapon de los de agujas de bordar... regards
WOOT! What a fun container of scissors : ) I've enjoyed browsing thru all your posts & pictures this morning. You have beautiful gifts & stitching projects on your blog. Enjoy the day!
You should know that I am a TERRIBLE enabler. Having said that, here are a few bees for your fobs (and I've purchased from these places many times, so I can recommend their prices, service and quality)
Art Beads Bee Beads
Fusion Beads Bee Charm
Brightling's Beads Bee
Hola he visto has preguntado sobre los claw mas grandes.. una sugerencia puede en vez de claw usar esto
lo puede conseguir en una tienda de pesca se llama
"interlock snap"
y ademas aƱadir un tapon de los de agujas de bordar...
Holy cow... That's a lotta scissors! LOL Cute fobs, too.
I've given you an award. Look on my blog. :)
I love your fobs !!!! Hope it works well for the frog ;-)
I have only just found your blog - so hello! I just love your scissor fobs and that jarful of scissors just makes me drool.
Love your new scissors fobs!! I'm sure soon you'll find the right scissor for the one with the ladybug :)
WOOT! What a fun container of scissors : ) I've enjoyed browsing thru all your posts & pictures this morning. You have beautiful gifts & stitching projects on your blog. Enjoy the day!
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