I managed to finish the first square to my Red Thread Snappers. I'm still debating if I should take this to work with me to work on the outer border or start something new for the train. I woke up late today and haven't stitched yet so I need to decide soon before I go into stitching withdrawal. I joined the Bent Creek SAL so hopefully I will keep up with these and come next year I'll have them done! Here's a picture of my snowman...

Well I'm gonna go. The brakes on the car broke (or something like that) and I have to walk to the train station tonight (and the rest of the weekend *ugh*) so I'd like to stitch for atleast an hour before I have to get ready to leave. TTFN and until next time!
PS - Thanks for the nice comments on my recent finishes! I love comments :-) And Sandy asked me about my needle magnets and where I get them. They are Zecca brand and I usually get them online since none of my not so LNS' carry them. Just in case the price scares you (some people think they're expensive) let me tell you that they're worth it. I bought a Mill Hill magnet the same time I bought my first pair of Zecca's and the Mill Hill broke about 2 months later and my first Zecca's are still around 3 years later! I love them to pieces!!!
OMG!!! I have those same flannel snowman sheets. lol I love the storage box where did you get it? is it a store or do they have a website?
Just wanted to stop by and say 'Hi'!! I'm in the Bent Creek SAL too. Your first month is looking great. I'm working on mine tonight, can't wait to see how everyone's pieces grow.
Wow! I love that little drawer set! And it looks like it holds quite a bit of floss. I ended up going with the cheap little plastic drawers a few months ago, and while I like them a lot--especially because the drawers make for easy access to the floss--your storage system is more fun and looks like it holds more. Love the green!
I love the container for your flosses! Anita from CSF
Great storage for the DMC. I don't have a Container Store very close, but have bought their tiny plastic boxes for my MH beads.
Congrats on your cute WIP finish. I like your green box. I just use ziplock bags in a shoe box. Keeps them organized by numbers 100's 200's but not near as pretty as yours.
Love your new storage box! Great start on the BC Red Thread Snappers...the little snowman is adorable!
I have *so* been looking for a chest of drawers like that!!! Lucky you!
Congratulations on the Red Thread finish! It's a really cute series, no? I love the new DMC storage bin, it looks so *professional*, and like it was made for flosses.
Hope your car feels better soon!
I love the container system! It's great for your dmc. Your red thread is off to a great start!
I wish we had The Container store in Canada, you'd never be able to get me out again!
Very cool box! I love that store...so I'm lucky that ours is far away!
Love the containers for your DMC and the Zecca needle magnets. Where do you find them online?
Your storage [floss] is excellent. It looks like the perfect size to lay skeins of floss. Go You : )
There's a container store in Paramus, NJ I frequent...but not enough. I love your DMC Storage box and need to go to mine now and see what else they have...Your Bent Creek SAL looks great - you've enabled me!
I love the storage unit! Now you've got me planning a trip to our local Container Store!! ;-)
And the Brightneedle Sampler ... ooohhhh ... I've not seen that one before! Gotta have it! You always stitch such nice things!
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