Last night before I pulled out my stitching my cousin called to tell me my other cousin was in the ER so of course my stitching took a backseat and off we went to the ER. My cousin is ok - some kids tried to take his iPod and one of them punched him in the nose so they thought it was broken. I did stitch a little while in the waiting room but not as much as I would have had I been home. My plan to stitch once I got home was ruined since as soon as I got comfy in the bed to stitch I fell asleep hehe. Anyway enough of my complaining of not being able to stitch. I have to wash my hair so in that 90 minutes of waiting for it to dry enough so that I can go out I'll stitch :-) I have my next project lined up - I should stitch on Dollhouse next but this one is small enough where it won't take too much time away from DH. Did anyone see the picture of BNs new Christmas House?!?!? I think it's toooooo adorable and I really don't "do" Christmas designs.

Love your start on Fond Hearts! Are you using the recommended colours?
Sounds like a hectic time. Glad you were able to stitch some. Its looking good. :o)
The hearts looks pretty! I think it will make a great flat fold...let me know how it goes if you do it. I want to try to do one but haven't yet!
The new sims game is great by the way!! Especially if you haven't played the regular one and new to the whole thing :-)
Ooooh, BN christmas house looks really nice! I wish i hadn't looked now, i want it!! I started Dollhouse at the weekend, theres a picture on my blog. Heart looks good by the way! Ive never made a flat fold.
I think I'm going to attempt a flat fold soon enough too, but I'm nervous though, I reckon it could be a disaster! And don't you know it's evil to enable?! *grin* That Christmas House looks tooooo adorable, I reckon it's gonna go onto my wishlist soon enough. Fond Hearts is looking good so far, I'm sure you will finish it in no time! Good luck with the flat fold!
eileen :)
Looking good already!
Fond Hearts is looking great :)
That is looking great!
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