I haven't made any major updates with my quilting and stitching but yesterday I spent the entire day working on my quilt blocks and made a breakthrough! I managed to get half of them done and now I need to cut the fabric and piece the pieces together for the other half which is something I may do today. I bought a rolling sewing machine case (I'm such a dweeb) so I may go over to Kelly's house to do this. His kitchen counter is the perfect size and height to cut fabric and he's been coming over here the pass few days that I'm pretty sure he'd like to have a day at home today.

I'll show a picture of what I'm stitching just for the hell of it but I haven't gotten far with it. I'm working on the border for the first room that I stitched on Dollhouse and then I can move on to the next room which I haven't decided on which to stitch next. I have a choice of 4 and think I may end up working on one of the attic rooms but who knows.

I bought this really cute book last night to make plush animals. It's called Plush-O-Rama Curious Creatures for Immature Adults hehe. Once I get over my fear of actually sewing something that requires me to cut fabric in a weird shape I'll try one.
Well I'm off to get dressed. Hope the weather is normal for you guys and not crazy like it is here. TTFN!
wow, seems like everyon thes days is quilting again, lol. I always wanted to learn to quilt so I guess that will be another goal for 2007. Your quilt is coming out very nice!
Your quilt squars are looking awesome! The piece you are stitching is coming along great! The weather here has not been to bad weird, but I know it has for you! Strange!!
Hey mercy! Thanks for leaving a comment! Been enjoying reading your blog. The group seems great and yes, im used to the old lady comments by my friends! Will be great to get to know you. NY has been in our local newspaper regarding the weather!!! In scotland it feels like we've had rain for months..oh wait, that's coz we have!
OK... What's a rolling sewing case? LOL I'm a nerd too, so I may want one! I've been sewing on a machine since I was a teen (hand sewing long before that)... piece of cake. Don't be afraid. :)
Thankyou for leaving me a comment. I think your blog is great!! The kit you asked about - well in the USA you should be able to get it from Elegant Stitch, I got mine in the UK.
What is winter? It's always around 80 degrees here - LOL
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