I took a liking in dressing Ana up. I don't think she fancy's it too much though. I want to get her a pink tutu but I'm afraid she'll be able to get out of it and rip it up or something. She's pretending to be a character out of my FAVORITE all time storyline - I'll let you guys guess who :)
Talking about my favorite books- I so want the Harry Potter edition iPod. Of course I don't think you can buy it without buying the digital books and I'm not about to pay $250 for the books and then $300 for the iPod. *boo hoo* because I really would like that iPod and it would have made a perfect Happy Birthday to me present. It has the Hogwarts Crest etched in the back - it's so beautiful. It would probably be a bitch transfering all of my now iPod crap into a new iPod though.
My birthday was the 7th of this month and I am now 25. Do I feel different? Hell yeah I do! I actually feel like an adult, don't know why but I do. 25 sounds so old maybe that's the difference hehe. Well I'm off - don't feel like writing much, plus the earlier I get in the shower the earlier I can start my day. I did absolutely nothing yesterday but sleep. TTFN and stay tuned for more Ana dress up pics, I went online costume shopping for her :-)
Ana does not look like the wicked witch of the west!
ha ha
Happy belated birthday!! Your doggie looks so cute..
Hey Mercy,
Happy belated birthday! :) And don't you worry, I will join you in the 'old' category soon, it's not too far off now!
Personally, I like the iPod nano better, I probably won't mind getting it as Terrence is hogging the iPod mini, but it won't be anytime soon as I have debts from my holiday to clear! Oh what fun.
Have fun dressing Ana up, waiting for more pics to come! :)
PS. Thanks for joining BookCrossing, and add stuff to your bookshelf if you're interested! :)
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