Stitched on 30ct Geln Ellyn Blen by R&R Reproductions
Crescent Colours Floss
This is what I decided to stitch after my last finish. My LNS has the frame and I wanted to try a new framer so I thought this would be a perfect piece to let them frame. I'm not to happy with it because the picture on the chart differs so much from the actual piece. The fabric is more lemon-y on the picture whereas mine is mustard-ish. It's still a pretty piece though and I hope I can get it on my walls in time for Halloween when I decorate.
Thanks so much for comments on my last piece! Someone asked where I bought the pattern from and asked me to post info on it so here it is...I bought it from Creative Poppy and it's by Barbara Ana Designs (all the info is usually posted underneath my finished picture.) I've also never thanked those that gave my blog (and me) awards. I've always meant to but as always forgot. I'm not good with following up and giving out awards but trust me I do thank those that gave me an award from the bottom of my heart! I'm so happy people actually take the time out to read or even just browse through my blog :-) THANKS SO MUCH!!!
Now with that said I do have something special for you guys during my blog anniversary month which so happens to be in favorite spooky month! So please check this place in October for something special ;-)
I may not update for a while because the next 4 things I stitch will be for exchanges :( Maybe I'll just show you guys a portion of what I've stitched. I also won't have too much time for "me" stitching in between exchanges because I'm going back to school this September and I'll be working full time as well. I'm going to major in Biology and perhaps get out of the nursing field. I love nursing but there have been some things going on at work that have me unhappy with it. I figure if things get better then I'll go back to nursing and if not well then I won't. I'm excited to go back to school like you wouldn't believe...I'm looking forward to learning something new :-) Until next time!