Sunday, August 24, 2008

All in a Moon Finish :)

Miss Crescent's Crowne - All in a Moon
Stitched on 30ct Geln Ellyn Blen by R&R Reproductions
Crescent Colours Floss

This is what I decided to stitch after my last finish. My LNS has the frame and I wanted to try a new framer so I thought this would be a perfect piece to let them frame. I'm not to happy with it because the picture on the chart differs so much from the actual piece. The fabric is more lemon-y on the picture whereas mine is mustard-ish. It's still a pretty piece though and I hope I can get it on my walls in time for Halloween when I decorate.

Thanks so much for comments on my last piece! Someone asked where I bought the pattern from and asked me to post info on it so here it is...I bought it from Creative Poppy and it's by Barbara Ana Designs (all the info is usually posted underneath my finished picture.) I've also never thanked those that gave my blog (and me) awards. I've always meant to but as always forgot. I'm not good with following up and giving out awards but trust me I do thank those that gave me an award from the bottom of my heart! I'm so happy people actually take the time out to read or even just browse through my blog :-) THANKS SO MUCH!!!

Now with that said I do have something special for you guys during my blog anniversary month which so happens to be in favorite spooky month! So please check this place in October for something special ;-)

I may not update for a while because the next 4 things I stitch will be for exchanges :( Maybe I'll just show you guys a portion of what I've stitched. I also won't have too much time for "me" stitching in between exchanges because I'm going back to school this September and I'll be working full time as well. I'm going to major in Biology and perhaps get out of the nursing field. I love nursing but there have been some things going on at work that have me unhappy with it. I figure if things get better then I'll go back to nursing and if not well then I won't. I'm excited to go back to school like you wouldn't believe...I'm looking forward to learning something new :-) Until next time!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hallowscornu Finish

It's done! I had a really hard time putting this biscornu together. It's not perfect and uneven in some places...I don't know where I went wrong but 1) it's hard working with black fabric and 2) it's so &@^%$)! hard working with black fabric!
Hallowscornu - Barbara Ana Designs
Stitched on 32ct Silkweaver "Frenzy" Lugana
DMC floss
and decorated with
Mill Hill Antique Glass Beads (03053)

I don't know what I'll stitch next. I've joined 3 Halloween exchanges *so excited* luckily I already know what I want to stitch for all 3 and I have my Prairie Schooler exchange that I should get started on since that's the first to mail out but at the same time I want to stitch my Sweet Treats dilemma dilemma! I won't choose tonight since I'd like to go to sleep early but I know it's going to be on my mind while I sleep...anyone else think while they sleep?

Today we went to Serendipity3 to eat. My cousin saw it on the travel channel and just had to try the desserts there. The wait was crazy and the place was packed! I finally took my camera out the house so I do have some pictures to share :-)
The outside
The window display My frozen hot chocolate
My cousin and her friend and their ice cream sundae.
Kelly and his dessert...the "Can't Say No" Sundae
And me and my dessert...the Forbidden Broadway Sundae.

We all had burgers and fries, I didn't take a picture of that because if you've seen one plate of burgers and fries you've seen them all. It was nice but I don't think I'll be going back any time soon.

Well I actually just decided what to stitch and its not anything I mentioned earlier LOL. I may change my mind come morning time but I may not...good night!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hola :-)

I think I may start bringing my camera with me to work. I went to the park in Union Square yesterday and missed so many picture opportunities that by the time I got on the train to go back home I was red with anger! Well not really, but I was pretty bummed that I didn't get a picture of the squirrel eating the cookie (upside down on the tree) that I had given him earlier. I'm usually afraid of the squirrels around my house if they get too close to me but at the park they get even closer and don't look as threatening. As soon as they heard me opening the plastic cookie package I had about 4 of them surrounding me...too cute!

Last week I had a craving for some empanadillas (empanadas is another name for them.) I like to believe that I'm totally incapable of cooking but honestly I can so instead of asking my mother to make some for me I made them myself. Don't they look yummy? I made them with cheese and one of them opened on me while I was frying it so please excuse the cheese on the paper towel and top one. They didn't come out as crunchy as my mumsy poos but she said they tasted good and so did my cousin :-) The best part of making them myself was that I could put as much sugar as I wanted to because there was no one to stop me (aka my mum hehe.)

I'm almost done with my Hallowscornu. I'm so close that I'm thinking of starting something new as my train project and only stitching on it at home. I don't have a current picture but did take one on Friday so I guess I'll show you that one and you'll just have to imagine 2 more corner pumpkins and half of a 4th ghost. I can't wait until it's's going to look so pretty in my basket of Halloween smalls!

I work tonight and tomorrow night so I'm going to end this and go stitch for an hour before my nap. Thanks for the nice comments on my last 2 finishes!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Let the Halloween Stitching Begin!

I don't think I could ever tire of saying I love Halloween :-) I just finished this up and it's 1 of 4 so it's not a real finish but part of a finish.
Cherry Wood Designs - 3 Black Cats (Panel 1)
Stitched on Weeks Dye Works 30ct Carrot Linen
GAST and WDW floss

The colors are so off in this picture but we'll have to deal with it. I'm going to alternate stitching the panels since I don't want to get bored stitching one thing for too long. Next up is Barbara Ana Designs Hollowscornu which I kitted it up this Friday. I love Halloween stitching!