Monday, March 26, 2007
Random Thought Coming...
So babies wake up atleast 3 times a night and/or every 3 hours as per my cousin. My biggest fear of having kids is that I'll sleep through them crying at night and now I have to worry about not sleeping at all. I'm afraid of getting married, something about it being definite and "where do we/is there to go from here" about it that frightens me and always thought I'd have a kid before I would ever get married but now I'm not too sure...I love to sleep! LOL I know I hung out with my other cousin this weekend who has a 6 and 4 year old and her 4 year old was alseep by 2am and up by 6:30am and she went to bed at 5am so when does she sleep?!?! She didn't look tired the next day so maybe you get use to not sleeping. I've been trying to re-connect with some old high school friends and most of them have kids, I feel like I'm behind but after this sleep issue I think I'm ok with that. I guess it's all worth it at the end of the day...mostly everything is, right?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Bloc Party...a bit boring maybe
If it can be fused then it can be split
It's all under control
If it can be lost then it can be won
If it can be touched then it can be turned
All you need is time
We promised the world we'd tame it, what were we hoping for?
A sense of purpose and a sense of skill
A sense of function but a disregard
We will not be the first, we won't
You said you were going to conquer new frontiers,
Go stick your bloody head in the jaws of the beast
If I've said this once I've said it a million times...I love Bloc Party and when I'm happy I listen to Bloc Party, when I'm sad I listen to Bloc Party, when I'm upset I listen to Bloc Party, when I'm eh...well you get the picture. They play in NYC this weekend, well next weekend and I'm going to see them...I can't wait - I love them LOL. I woke up early to get these tickets and this morning I woke up early again to get tickets to see The Bravery and Modest Mouse (this is another fav of mine.) I love concerts - the live music just makes me want to do the cockaroach dance LOL. (I'm so corny)
Onto non Bloc Party/concert news...I'm still sick. I have this cough that just won't budge and it's not a nice "I have a tickle in my throat" cough it's a hacking "OMG what does this girl have and is it contagious?" type cough. I had this patient the last 2 days who had the same cough (only worse) and everytime my patient coughed I'd cough right with him. Then it's hard for me to breath - it just feels like my lungs aren't expanding to full capacity. My dad has been smoking around me my entire life (then I smoked for a few years myself thinking it was cool) so who knows what shape my lungs are in. The doctor doesn't seem to be too worried but he's not the one who can't breath. I keep saying I'm going to find a new doctor but when your doctor is 2 blocks away from you it's hard leave.
I finally broke down and decided to leave Nextel. The service since the merge with Sprint is just horrible. It's like I'm paying not to have service. I see some people on the subway platform and they're chatting away on their phones and I look at my screen and it says No Service, it's so annoying. So I'm going with Verizon and (this is the exciting part) I got a Treo :-) I will now have internet access with me all the time! I can't wait until it comes in, it should be here next week sometime. I'm going to d/l my drug guide into it and then I can get rid of my handheld and carry less. I made Kelly get the same phone although he really has no use for it - I just wanted us to be twins...
Not much stitching has gone on, work, as always, has cut into my stitching time. I've also been playing Sims a lot too. I played all day yesterday. My sim just had another baby and her sim husband is working hard to get that next promotion to take care of the ever growing family so I've been busy. I have been itching to start something new. I don't know what it is about putting those first stitches on fabric that's so exciting...on my last stash shopping trip I bought fabric for a few pieces I want to stitch as well as a few new charts. One of the charts I kitted up while there since I've been eyeing it on someone else's blog (forget the blog so I can link it) and while at my not so LNS the Rosewood Manor trunkshow was there and the project was there framed so I couldn't resist! It's And a Forest Grew and it's HUGE! Well it's huge in my book, I'm pretty sure there are bigger out there.
Ok I'm off to eat lunch - I've been trying to lose weight and so far have managed to lose 8 lbs. I guess it really does matter whether you're eating in moderation and walk a little more. I want to start working out soon (I did for about 2 weeks then got sick) so the weight loss is actually a great push towards doing more.
Oh before I leave...I still have one more spot for my PIF if anyone is interested. I have the others in envelopes already I just have to stop procrastinating and mail them out. Just drop me an email if you're interested. And thanks to those who left me comments on my frame...I still haven't hung it up on the wall and really should do that soon. Okies TTYL!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
A new WIP

Other than my WIP and framed piece I have nothing else to share. I've been sick since Monday and was confined to my bed with a fever until Friday when I dragged myself to work. I'm still sick - I don't know if I can call what I have a cold since it feels a lot worse and I have a hard time breathing and feel dizzy sometimes. Anyway enough complaining I'm going back to stitching or maybe even to sleep...
Friday, March 09, 2007
Lots of pics and Pay It Forward!

Well believe it or not I had my post ready to go and then something happened and I lost it! *grrrr* I'm going to try this once more.
I have lots of pictures to show. I also signed up for Jamie's pay it forward and already have my "pieces of art" made and ready to go sooooo if you'd like to sign up for my pay it forward then leave me a comment or go to my profile and email me all of your information. I know lots of people have done this already and I'm a bit late so I'm going to change my rules (if that's ok.)
If you sign up for my PIF don't worry about having to actually PIF - just do something nice for someone and that will be fine enough :-)
Ok now onto my pictures *hopefully* I don't screw up this time!

Now my heart's stats:
Candied Confections - The Cricket Collection
Candied Confections - The Cricket Collection
Stitched on 30ct Beach Plum R&R Reproduction Linen
Using all recommended threads
Using all recommended threads

This is Kyle - today I asked him if anyone ever told him he was cute and he sort of looked at me like "all the time." LOL

These are my scissor fobs. I sort of went crazy one night and made these. I'm keeping 2 of them but the others are my PIFs.
And below are pictures of my fobs individually :)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
I'm thinking I must like to torture myself. I keep watching this commercial over and over and everytime I see it I just boo-hoo cry. As many times as I've seen it one would really think I'd be immune to it by now, but I'm not. I wish I could adopt - I remember when Kelly was looking for Kyle (well not Kyle but a Bull Terrier to adopt) we would go to the shelters and I would leave crying - I wish I could have brought some of the dogs homes with me - I hope I'm never in the situation where I couldn't care for Ana anymore or any of my future pets. Anyway...I'll blog more later on - I may have a finish and I made more fobs that I'd like to show. You can choose to watch the commercial but if you're anything like me either get a tissue or just don't watch it...
Thursday, March 01, 2007
My New Heart
This is stitching up quick but I just had to show it before I'm done with it. This is the yummiest heart I've stitched so far, mainly because of the color of the fabric and thread - it's one of my favorite colors...PURPLE!! I don't have all the floss for it (Krienik #4 braids) but they're on order and hopefully will get here soon. Well here's the picture - ENJOY! 
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