Friday, October 13, 2006

No stitching for me for a while :-(

I work the next three days, I'm already tired just thinking of it. Nothing but work and sleep for the next 3-4 days *sigh* Hopefully it won't be too busy this weekend and the patients will be nice and not cranky and demanding. You can need something and be nice about and I'll bend over backwards to get it for you but once they start bossing you around and complaining about everything under the sun then that's when they start to get on my nerves.

Anyhoo, I wanted to show a picture of my progress. I won't count on stitching on this for a while. If I get a chance at work to take a break I might just sleep since I'm going to need it. Ok enough complaining about work LOL. Here's the picture.


Meari said...

My Dad is one of those grouchy patients. The nurses have to be saints. LOL

Leeny said...

Hey Mercy, you've been making great progress on your Snapperland piece, it's okay to take a tiny quick break away from it, hee hee. I'm sure you will get going on it in no time again!

And good luck with the patients at work, I hope you get all the nice ones in the next 3 days!

eileen :)

Leeny said...

yoo hoo, it's me again :) just wanted to answer your question about the fabric for my San-Man piece. The colour is "Woodland Glow" and it's by Kiwi Illusions. It's an NZ store that does beautiful hand-dyed fabric. I reckon their prices and shipping are reasonable, so it's something you can think about even though you are in the US! Their site is

eileen :)

Barb said...

You are making good progress on this. I love the snapperland pieces.